Siemens in Ravensbrück
a project of the Siemens Professional Education
Aerial photograph of the Siemens premises taken by the British Air Force on March 23, 1945; source: Luftbilddatenbank Dr. Carls GmbH
„We commemorate the many fellow human beings who in times of the Second World War were forced against their will – to work in our company (…).“
Mimic diagram in the inner courtyard of the administrative building
of the Siemens AG in Berlin
Learn more…
We are apprentices and students of the Siemens Professional Education Berlin and within the frame of the project that exists since 2010, we had several opportunities to meet surviving women…
Contemporary witnesses
There will be fewer and fewer immediate contemporary witness. This is why we should pass on our experiences as immediately and authentically as possible…
“What sabotage did we do at Siemens ? Well I have always thought of it as using every opportunity we got to destroy things, be it material (and especially scarce materials) or the work process or the administration.
[…] it was the only „political“ work we could do under those circumstances, and it was therefore useful and necessary.”
Noen Beuzemaker, * unnknown, Dutch; Siemens: ab October 1942, Hall 2