Siemens in Ravensbrück

a project of the Siemens Professional Education

Aerial photograph of the Siemens premises taken by the British Air Force on March 23, 1945; source: Luftbilddatenbank Dr. Carls GmbH

„We commemorate the many fellow human beings who in times of the Second 
World War were forced against their will – to work in our company 

Mimic diagram in the inner courtyard of the administrative building
of the Siemens AG in Berlin

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“What sabotage did we do at Siemens ? Well I have always thought of it as using every opportunity we got to destroy things, be it material (and especially scarce materials) or the work process or the administration.

[…] it was the only „political“ work we could do under those circumstances, and it was therefore useful and necessary.”

Noen Beuzemaker, * unnknown, Dutch; Siemens: ab October 1942, Hall 2